Occupy Movements Video Conferences
Social manifestations that start in Spain on May 15 were just the tip of the iceberg of the great indignation against life conditions generated by global economic system. Against economic, politic and social injustice. Since then more than 95 cities in over 82 countries all around the globe have protested against injustice. The United States, the greatest capitalist pole of world economy, is seeing a clear collapse and at the same time a regeneration of ideas about social relations.
The Occupy movement is proposing new forms of social relations founded in direct participation from citizens in to the political scenarios of their communities. Through non violent demonstrations the movements want to make consciousness about the strength of the people to influence national and international policies. The essential foundation of the movement is social participation. Through participation is that new and better forms of social interaction are been constructed.
Occupy Oakland
Started on October 10th, 2011, at the park Frank H. Ogawa, in front of the Town Hall of Oakland, California. The movement has been a catalyst of several sectors of society. Older people, workers students, public servers and private professionals give their support the movement and it´s struggle for economic justice in the United States and the world.
Occupy Wall Street
In the United States this was the seed that spread all over the country a feeling of struggle against injustice. The Occupy movement es a clear example of global capitalism´s discontent because of social inequalities inherent to the system. The systemic incoherence and contradictions are reflected in the indignation of thousands of people that full of dignity claim for better forms of social coexistence. The Occupy movement is a fundamental contemporary reference of social struggle born within civil society. Essentially want to create awareness of world´s inequity and of the global´s civil society strength. They are a perfect example of participatory horizontal organizations: they remind us that another world is possible, a world in which social interaction is done without domination links.
Yesenia Barragán
She is organizer with Occupy Wall Street. Where she maily works with the Press Relations Working Group and Feminist Direct Action Bloc. She is currently a PhD student at Columbia University in New York City. Where she studies Latin American History, specializing in space, race and resistance in Colombia and the Americas.
As an undergraduate at Brown, where she majored in Political Philosophy and Latin American History. She founded the new Students for Democracy Society. She also has been involved in antiwar, Palestine solidarity, Labor, immigrants rights and enviromental justice campaigns.
In addition to her Occupy organizing in New York City, she is the Solidarity Coordinator for AfroColombia NY.
Acampada del Sol / 15M (Madrid)
"Who we are? We are people that have come free and voluntary to manifest our ideas and perspectives about our social and political consciousness. we do not represent any political party nor association. Social change unite us. We are here for dignity and solidarity with those that cannot be here.
Why are we here? We are here because we want a new society truly founded on human life and not in economic or political interests. We advocate for a change in society and social consciousness. We will keep demonstrating our ideas through out non violent manners. We support all of those that were detain by security forces protesting for a just cause and we demand their liberation without charges. We want everything, we want it now, if you agree with us, UNITE US!"
This is Acampada del Sol´s manifesto. An inspiring call for solidarity with peoples around the world. A call for new forms of social interaction, that don´t hurt many and enrich a few. For participation in political and economical decisions of the States. For a better and more equal wealth distribution. The 15/M movement is a warning call for the corruption of our economic and political systems. Is indignation to a minority power. On May 15, 2011, people went out to streets to protest pacifically against the lack of democracy in their country. This is a movement that search authentic power´s division and real popular participation.
Chilean Student Movement
The brutality of the Chilean military dictatorship did not end with the exit of Augusto Pinochet of government. Just before leaving the presidential chair, the dictator sign the COLE: Constitutional Organic Law of Education. With this the public education in Chile is consolidated under a neoliberal scheme. Making public universities and general public education an enterprise in search for profit.
The entire country questioned the educative model and with this also the roll and duties of the State, the minimum guaranties needed by civil society and the general distribution of the country´s wealth.
Moreover, students all over the country reclaim the State to ensure social guaranties that their parents have the opportunity to enjoy and that now for them these are only past histories.
Javiera Morán Battaglia
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