ADA Collective is looking forward to welcome all partners who want to participate in the 1st Encounter of Good Living. In order to have the best possible conditions at our/your house, please let us know via e-mail your name, organization, how many people are coming, if you have any special need, if you have tent or just sleeping bags...
Please fulfill the registration form at:

Accion Directa Autogestiva (Self managed Direct Action)

Who we are?

We are a group of young (and not than young) people from distinct areas (biology, social work, medicine, theater, engineering) that decide to get together and conform a collective group call Self managed Direct Action.

Why we get organized?

We have discovered that the existent institutions have fail. Political parties are one of the great sickness of this country. 

Public policies are obsolete, badly planned or even nonexistent.  Moreover, we are invaded by a cruel capitalism that dehumanize everything and everyone. The lack of equity, the violation of fundamental rights, economy injustice, authoritarianism, repression, daily greed is present, is everyday life. However, daily life struggle and protest is what we hear. For us what is important is to organize ourselves and integrate us from a non political parties perspective. 

This integration is only plausible through self organization, thoughts interchange, mutual support, solidarity and self management. Taking as a starting point respect to diversity, as the Zapatistas said "a world in which many worlds belong".

Self management is the way to achieve the political, social and economical conditions of independence that are required to deal with the equity and respect conditions of our peoples. 

They have made us believe that there is only one way, however, we think we are constructing our own way

What do we do?

From all a bit. Along the road we found that is better to deprofessionalize us, see each other as complete human being, not as specialists, we are learning to dare imagining ourselves differently.

We have learn from brotherhood collectives to work in collective and to develop projects. Our current project is a community center in where we give workshops of yoga, floor acrobatics and urban agriculture; we have theater and cinema cycles; we also use the space for conferences and concerts. Now days we are working on a Hacklab and we are about to open a cibersive . We are also doing paperwork for a lecture hall, study spaces and also we are starting a ecotechniques lab.

In the streets we like to do living statues, science workshops and specially interventions in the city of Puebla.

Intervention: break the everyday life, break through the social body, show and expose what is hidden, silenced or repressed. Appeal for citizens participation; Make public what it has been private. Explode the collective imaginary. Evidence realities. Poetic activism. ACTION, MOBILIZATION AND RESPONSE.

Everyone is a poetic being (Artud).

We have done till this day several interventions on the streets like "pork brains", "Camel kids", "Clean the flag", "the other Puebla", "Atenco", "no is no", conmemorative for the fallen children at daycare ABC, among others.

Commonly in the interventions we work with other collectives. Other works had been developed or that had been sporadically done are:

Project "Rolarte": arts and sciences rights of young workers in the streets. One of the objectives is the development of young people in risk status or precarious situation in the city. With the aim of constructing a collective well being. Through the work interaction, the arts and the sciences. We are convinced that the development of our society depends upon the organization skills, mutual support, self management, that could be constructed among individuals. Our struggle is for the rights and duties of our society that must be protected. Respect, dignity and freedom must be essential part of our daily life. 

Different material exposition to struggle against the media blockade.

Research: "Cultural policies in Puebla 2006-2011: An approach to the cultural panorama and their consequences on the State"

Arts and sciences workshops for kids.

Nowadays we have a network with the cultural center "Jose Martí" in Puebla and some collectives from all over Mexico.

Do not shut up, use the streets.

The most cruel thing of cruelty is that dehumanize the victims before destroying it. And (...) the harshest of the combats is the one of staying human in inhuman conditions. Bauman

Only those that are capable of embody the utopia will be able in the decisive combat, that of recover our lost humanity... Lets go out to stand for the other.... Savato

The culture like a knife that cleave the future... the culture is as well the expression of our consciousness that an alternative exist and a stimulus for man and woman to think different following roads non authorized about our world that in the one they live, work and die. Bauman 

-So you want to change humanity... - No, what I really want is humanity to change, like those 3 or 4 times that has done it before through out history... 

Think is an act of resistance. Zemelman

I am the other one


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