The effort realized for the organization of the 1st Encounter of Good Living started in September of 2009 and today is a reality. The first intention is to promote academic knowledge, however, essential part of the encounter is to set a dialogue among students, social activists and civil society organizations. This is why we are looking forward to grant anyone wanting to attend the encounter.

The encounter costs are the following:

  • For students:

Individual registration:
$150 for the encounter.
Group registration:
Group of 10 or more, the cost will be $100 for the encounter
Group of 20 or more, the cost will be $50 for the encounter

  • For social organizations:

Individual registration:
$150 for the encounter
Group registration:
Group of 3 or more, the cost will be $100 for the encounter
Group of 5 or more, the cost will be $50 for the encounter 

  • For academics:

Individual registration:
$300 for the encounter
Group registration:
Group of 3 or more, the cost will be $100 for the encounter 

For registration please deposit the money to the nest bank account:
Nombre: David Oscar Ortega Galindo
Account Number: 20-00550269-5
Bank: Santander

After doing the deposit please send an email to:
Attach payment voucher, full name of individual or those integrating a collective registration, and  the total number of registered people.

This contributions  are to support prints of certificates, programs and folders.

Thank you for your understanding and support!!

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